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2. Lu, S. L., Huang, M., & Kong, F. R. (2013). The Design of a Rubik's Cube Robot. Advanced Materials Research, 709, 432-435.
3. CubeStormer III http: /gizmodo. com/lego-robot-with-a-smartphone-brain-shatters-rubiks-cub-1544556295.
4. Kasprzak, W., Szynkiewicz, W., & Czajka, Ł. (2006). Rubik's cube reconstruction from single view for Service robots. Machine Graphics & Vision International Journal, 15(3), 451-459.
5. Jain, A. K., Murty, M. N., & Flynn, P. J. (1999). Data clustering: a review. ACM computing surveys (CSUR), 31(3), 264-323.