We presented a theoretical study of the dependence of 2DEG mobility on temperature, barrier thickness, Al content, donor concentration to reveal the internal physics of 2DEG mobility in cubic AlGaN/GaNheterostructures. The 2DEG mobility is modeled as a combined effect of the scattering mechanisms including acoustic phonons, ionized impurity, dislocation, alloy disorder and interface roughness scattering.The variation of mobility results mainly from the change of 2DEG density and temperature. It reveals the dominant scattering mechanismsare dislocation and alloy disorder scattering atlow temperature.Acoustic phonons scattering becomes the major limit at 300k. Impurity scattering plays the key role when donor density rises. We find a maximum mobility with a structure of 25% Al content and 4-5nm barrier thickness.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
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