Multi-Agent Control System for the Movement of Uniaxial Objects


Mrozek Mirosław1


1. National Research Institute


Multi-agent systems are used mainly in IT solutions and control groups of robots. From the point of view of classical control architectures, they are a kind of distributed systems in which nodes perform advanced algorithms, usually associated with the technology of artificial intelligence, and they can be considered as agents. The article describes the multi-agents control system of objects of uniaxial movements. An example of such a system to control a repository with movable racks with electric motors is presented. Each rack acts as an agent through the implemented control of the resources of embedded microcontrollers. Such a system provides high quality control, guaranteeing long-lasting, trouble-free operation while maintaining the safety of both service and stored items.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.


Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

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