1. Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (Italian Government) 2008. Technical Code for the Constructions. G.U. n. 29 of 14/02/(2008).
2. EN 1991-1-2, Eurocode 1. Actions on structures - Part 1-2: General actions - actions on structures exposed to fire, November (2002).
3. EN 1993-1-2, Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Part 1-2: General rules - Structural fire design, April (2005).
4. CEC Agreement 7215-PP/025, Demonstration of Real Fire Tests in Car Parks and High Buildings, (2001).
5. INERIS, Parcs de stationnement en superstructure largement ventiles. Avis d'expert sur les scénarios d'incendie, Ottobre (2001).