Aerosol Systems of Supply Ventilation, as Means of Air Quality Improvement of Working Zones


Azarov Artem V.1,Zhukova Natalia S.1,Stefanenko I.V.1,Nikolenko M.A.2


1. Volgograd State Technical University

2. Don State Technical University


Article is devoted to a research of aerosol systems of supply ventilation. Expediency of creation and use of water and aerosol systems for decrease in concentration of fine-dispersion dust in working zones, and as a result, decrease in negative impact on operators of various productions is proved. The design of a centrifugal mechanical one-slot-hole nozzle is proposed. Problems of dust content in air of a working zone and impact of particles of PM10 and PM2,5 on an organism of workers are considered.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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