1. L. B. Magalas, in Mechanical Spectroscopy, ed. by L. B. Magalas, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2003) in press.
2. S. Etienne, S. Elkoun, L. David, L. B. Magalas, Mechanical Spectroscopy and other Relaxation Spectroscopies, in this volume.
3. L. B. Magalas, G. Fantozzi, J. de Phys. 6, C8-151 (1996).
4. H. Numakura, Mechanical Relaxation Due to Interstitial Solutes in Metals, in this volume.
5. R. Kohlrausch, Pogg. Ann. Phys. 12, 393 (1847); ibid. Pogg. Ann. Phys. IV 56, 79 (1854).