1. S.N. Zolotykh, Stabilization of clay soils in transport construction, In the collection of articles: Education, Science, Production Belgorod State Technological University named after. V.G. Shukhov. Belgorod. (2015) 600-603.
2. A.S. Prokopets, A.S. Sergeev, B.S. Yushkov, S.I. Sushkov, Methods and measures to strengthen logging roads arranged on weak clay soils, J. Alternative sources of energy in the transport-technological complex: problems and perspectives of rational use. 3 (2016).
3. A.V. Skrypnikov, V.G. Kozlov, D.V. Lomakin, V.S. Logoida, Research of industrial wastes for strengthening soils. J. Fundamental research. 12 (2016) 102-106.
4. A.E. Akimov, A.I. Trautvain, V.B. Chernogil, Increase of physicomechanical characteristics of fortified soils with the use of stabilizing additives of the Chimston series, In the collection: Science and education in modern conditions. Materials of the International (correspondence) scientific and practical conference. Under the general editorship of AI. Vostretsova. (2017).
5. A.I. Trautvain, A.E. Akimov, A.A. Yakovleva, Features of the use of stabilizing additives for strengthening soils, In the collection: SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Materials of the International (correspondence) scientific and practical conference. Under the general editorship of AI. Vostretsova. (2017).