1. G. T. Halmos; High Production Roll Forming Society of Manufacturing Engineers (1984) Michigan.
2. T. K. Eckhardt; Cold Roll Forming Theory and Application. Bulletin 709/872 (1973) The Yoder Company, Cleveland, Ohio, p.1.
3. D. Pai; Prediction of Metal Flow and Roll Pass Design in Roll Forming, Masters Thesis, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA (1994).
4. M. English; Roll Design Road Map Report, Hadley Group Technology, Hadley Industries plc, PO Box 92, Downing Street, Smethwick, Birmingham, B66 2PA. United Kingdom.
5. Federal Information Processing Standards Publications. Integrated Definition for Function Modelling (IDEF0). Publication 183, Part 2 Vol. 4, Materials Laboratory, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 45433, (1981).