1. A.C. Vereschaka, O.U. Khaustova, L. Dubner. Research of quality characteristics of a superficial layer at use of ecologically friendly technology of dry machining. Modern technologies in engineering industry. The collector of proceedings.V. 2. Kharkov: NTU «KhPI», 2006. P. 306-319. ISBN 966-513-429-5 (the full publication), ISBN 966-593-431-7 (the Volume 2). (In Russian).
2. A.K. Kirilov. Creation of dry cutting system with compensation of cutting fluid effects at turning structural materials. Automation and state-of-the-art technologies.M.: 2006. №1. -P. 9-16. (In Russian).
3. A.V. Elutin, V.N. Anikin., I.V. Blinkov, A.S. Vereschaka. Methodological principles of creation for high-strength layered ceramics with a coating for high-speed dry cutting. Transaction of the congress «Desain-technological information science 2000». V. 1. -М.: MSUT STANKIN, 2000. P. 180 - 182. (In Russian).
4. A.S. Vereschaka, A.A. Vereschaka. Methodology for creation of functional coatings for an edge tools. State-of-the-art manufacturing technology. The collector scientific papers. ISBN 978-966-384-059-8. - NTU «KhPI», 2007. P. 192-235. (In Russian).
5. Akmetzianov I. and others. UK Patent GB 22 243 319 B. Apparatus for Machining materials by cutting. 04. 05. 1994. (In English).