Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming of Preformed Sheet Metal Parts


Schneider Thomas1,Merklein Marion1


1. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg


Due to ecological and economic challenges there is a rising demand on closely-tolerated complex functional components. Regarding short process chains and improved mechanical properties conventional forming processes are often limited. A promising approach to meet these requirements can be seen in the combination of traditional sheet and bulk metal forming processes, to form sheet metals out of the sheet plane with typical bulk forming operations. The challenge of applying conventional bulk forming operations on sheet metal is the interaction between regions of high and low deformation, which is largely unknown in literature. To analyze this topic fundamentally, a process combination of deep drawing and upsetting is developed for manufacturing tooth-like elements at pre-drawn cups. To fully understand material flow out of the sheet plane into the tooth cavity and to identify and qualify process factors depending on the functional elements´ geometry and friction, a single upsetting stage forming a simplified model of the blank is virtually analyzed with finite-element simulation. By inhibiting the forming history of the pre-drawn blank, the upsetting process can be investigated without interactions with a previous deep drawing operation.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science

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1. Sheet-bulk metal forming;Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering;2023

2. Numerical simulation and experimental study on cold extrusion process for clutch outer gear hub with inner tooth shapes;The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology;2021-01

3. Process Combination for the Manufacturing of Toothed, Thin-Walled Functional Elements by Using Process Adapted Semi-finished Products;Lecture Notes in Production Engineering;2020-11-05

4. A flexible sheet-bulk forming demonstrator;The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology;2019-04-05

5. Numerical investigation on tooth filling of clutch drum forming processes;Production Engineering;2016-01-27







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