1. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
2. Imperial College London
3. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas
In this work we present the results about the preparation of the superconductor
YBa2Cu3O7-δ (Y123) by sol-gel method using oxalate precursors. Samples were prepared by
dissolving stoichiometric mixtures of Y(OOCCH3).4H2O, Ba(OOCCH3)2 and Cu(OOCCH3)2.H2O
acetates in aqueous solution of oxalic acid, HCOO-COOH. The particulate sols obtained (2g.) were
divided in two parts (1g. each one), from which the first one (sample A) was grinded, pellet,
calcined (860°C) and sinterised at 860°C in oxidizing atmosphere, the second part (sample B) was
grinded, pellet, calcined at 880°C and finally sinterized at 880°C in the same conditions, the XRD
revels the superconductor Y123 is formed in the first sample, but coexisting with remarkable
presence of the secondary phases: CuO, BaCu3O4, BaCO3 and BaCuO2, while in sample B the XRD
reveals the obtention of high purity monophase Y123, the ac susceptibility measurement using a
Quantum Design (SQUID) magnetometer indicates TC(onset)=92K for this sample, moreover the
Rietveld refinement was done taking the orthorhombic Pmmm Y123 spatial group as a model, this
suggest the cell´s parameters a=3.839Å, b=3.899 Å and c=11.702Å as reported in the literature.
Therefore for the preparation of Y123-superconductor using oxalate precursors, the optimus
sintering temperature is 880°C.
Trans Tech Publications Ltd
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4 articles.