TiAl Alloy Spark Plasma Sintered from Mechanically Activated Powders


Wang Zhi Wei1,Chen Jun1


1. Hubei University of Technology


Powder of Ti-46at%Al alloy was synthesized through mechanical activation (MA) and then sintered and concurrently consolidated in a short sintering time of 900 s by using spark plasma sintering (SPS) process. The XRD and SEM profiles show that the microstructures of TiAl alloys contained γ TiAl and small amount α-2 Ti3Al phase, whose amount can be controlled by the sintering temperature. The compacts retained the original fine-grained fully densified bodies by avoiding an excessively high sintering temperature. The alloys sintered at higher temperature with this process showed a coarser microstructure. So it is possible to produce dense nanostructured TiAl alloys by mechanically activated spark plasma sintering (MASPS) within a very short period of time.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.


General Engineering

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