In the context of sustainable development, this paper presents a methodologie for an economic and environmental evaluation within a cementry by applying life cycle analysis (LCA) method. We have to sum up the impacts and make a constat of economical activities which spread up on environment. The constant degradation of environment and many environmental desasters have given to the environment theme an increasing importance. The economic grawth represents a danger from the point of view of ressources (soil-water-energy), of pollution, and over exploitation of natural systems have became a new research theme. It is determinant to know if this methodology can in suffisant manner, concretises and be adapted to pratical application(s) for this, the integration of a demarch , or a tool which undergoing this analysis, in order of obtaining results which can be interpretated. The LCA built a precise diagnosis of development methods of a technology or a product and suggests mecanisms and measures of sustainable development which will move forward the entreprise.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
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