1. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
2. Chinese Academy of Sciences
3. AVIC Aerodynamic Research Institute
As a new optical pressure sensor technique, Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) is one of the important techn iques for model surface p ressure m easurement in wind tunnel test s . With the help of PSP , it is possible to do p ressure m easurement on compl icated or special model surface , which is usually difficult to be measured by pressure tap s . Since PSP technique being introduced into China from TsAGI (Russia) , AVIC ARI has investigated two-component PSP technique in high-speed wind tunnel in cooperati on with ICCAS China . T his report present s the principle of PSP technique, test control system development and the test result comparison s between PSP technique with two-component pressure sensitive paint FOP-2 and classic tap measurement on wing surface of an airplane model . T he results showed that the two-component pressure sensitive paint has better performance and can be used for model pressure measurement.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
Reference2 articles.
1. A. O. Andreev etc., Pressure field investigation by LPS technology on the aerospace craft model, J. phys, III France 4 (1994), PP2317-2327.
2. Zhang Yong-cun etc., Investigation and application of pressure sensitive paint technique in wind tunnel test, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTS IN FLUID MECHANICS, 2010, 24 (1)74 -78, 94.