Energy-Efficient Technologies in the Construction of School in Hot Climates


Fidrikova Anastasiia Sergeevna1,Grishina Olga Sergeevna1,Marichev Alexey Pavlovich1,Rakova Xeniya Mikhailovna2


1. St. Petersburg Politechnical University

2. St. Petersburg State Politechnical University


Reduction of the costs in the operation of the building, due to energy-saving technologies, is a priority in the construction today. This article discusses some ways to reduce energy consumption of schools in hot climates such as the installation of solar collectors, using of triple-glazed windows and modern insulating materials. These methods of energy reduction are determined by the selected space-planning solutions, constructive features of the structure, financial possibilities and climatic conditions. Considering these above listed characteristics, the school was designed for the class A of energy efficiency.[1-4]


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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