Airfoil has great influence on the performance of axial fan. In order to study performance of axial fan. Four kinds of airfoils have been applied to optimize the impeller of axial fan. The 3D internal flows of the axial fan under different operating conditions were simulated based on a steady numerical method in ANSYS CFX 14.5. The results show that the curve of total pressure of the fan with LS airfoil blades is slightly steeper, and that of the fan with CLARK-Y(C=11.7%) (C is the blade thickness ratio) airfoil blades is relatively flat. The total pressure of the axial fan with CLARK-Y(C=11.7%) blades is highest among others. While achieving the highest efficiency in all the operating conditions except the lowest flow rate. Moreover, the blades loading of the CLARK-Y(C=11.7%) airfoil blades fan is entirely more uniform than that in others. The turbulent kinetic energy distribution on the leading edge of blades shows that the axial fan with CLARK-Y(C=11.7%) airfoil blades fan can improve the turbulent kinetic energy effectively.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.