1. L. Lazzarotto, F. Doré, C.H. Allib, ert, P. Doremus, P. Goeuriot, O. Lame C. Chervin: High velocity Compaction : potential and effect on sintering process , Sintering'05 , Grenoble 2005 Proceedings.
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3. L. Troive, P. Skoglund: EuroPM2005 Congress&Exhebition, 2-5 oct, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic.
4. Goeuriot P, Giniron : De la poudre au materiau massif, SF2M Congress Proceedings, June 2003, Albi (France), 48-53.
5. D. Jauffres, O. Lame, G. Vigier, L. Lazzarotto, C. Chervin: High velocity die Compaction : application to polymers processing , Sintering'05 , Grenoble 2005 Proceedings.