1. China Electric Power Research Institute
Tower-line system of overhead transmission line are sensitive to wind. Therefore, dynamic effect of wind load should be taken into consideration, for instance, wind-induced vibration coefficient. There might be some errors in the calculation of the coefficient in accordance with ‘Load code for the design of building structures’, for its ignoring the irregular figure, scattered masses and coupling effect of tower-line system. Tower-line system is set up in virtual environment, with tower-line coupling considered, and research wind-induced vibration dynamic responses under Davenport wind speed spectrum. Random vibration theory was applied to calculate the coefficient. Whole tower was divided by hight, and calculated segment’s the wind-induced vibration coefficient seprately. Compare the coefficient from Load Code and random vibration theory, the latter with tower-line coupling effect and tower figure considered, is close to the actual.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
Reference5 articles.
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