Sidoarjo Mud-Based Lightweight Mortar Using Foaming Agent and Aluminum Powder


Triwulan 1,Ekaputri Januarti Jaya1,Andik Jatmiko1,Boby Dean Pahlevi1


1. ITS, Kampus ITS


Lightweight concrete is generally used particularly at high-rise buildings in order to reduce the risk of earthquake. It is common that lightweight concrete is made with less Portland Cement associated with pozzolanic material as a binder. In this paper, calcined-Sidoarjo mud was identified as pozzolanic material as cement substitution. The mud contains SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 and to be expected it has properties as a potential pozzolanic material. Paste and mortar as specimens made from mixtures of calcined-Sidoarjo mud, fly ash, lime, portland cement and natural sand. The specimens were then mixed with a commercial chemical foaming agent and Aluminum powder as aerating agents. The results showed that test paste specimens using chemical foam showed higher compressive strength and density than those of using aluminum powder. Lightweight paste made with chemical foam has compressive strength of 10.7 Mpa with density of 1133kg/m3. Moreover, the specimens of lightweight mortar had the compressive strength of 4.8 MPa, and the density of 1154.7kg/m3. Lightweight paste specimens using aluminum powder had a compressive strength of 2.8 Mpa with density of 1013kg/m3, while lightweight mortar specimens showed compressive strength of 2.4 MPa, and the density was 966kg/m3.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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