Numerical Simulation of Cold Swirl Field for Solid Fuel Ramjet with NACA Airfoil


Yu Jie1,Chen Xiong1,Li Hong Wen2


1. Nanjing University of Science and Technology

2. Jin Xi Industrial Company


In order to study the swirl flow characteristics in the solid fuel ramjet chamber, a new type of annular vane swirler with NACA airfoil is designed. The cold swirl flow field in the chamber is numerically simulated with different camber and t attack angle, while the swirl number , swirl flow field structure, total pressure recovery coefficient were studied. According to numerical simulation result, the main factors in swirl number are camber and angle of attack, the greater angle of attack, the greater the camber ,the stronger swirl will be. Results show that the total pressure loss is mainly concentrated in the inlet section, the total pressure loss cause by vane swirler is small. Radial velocity gradient exists in swirling flow, and increases with the swirl number. With the influence of centrifugal force and combustion chamber structure, the radial velocity gradient increases.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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