1. VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava
The paper deals with the use of the connection lane on the left of running lane. It is all about its impact on improving traffic flow butt junction, shortening the waiting time required for the safe passage of vehicles on side roads and not the least impact on traffic safety at the intersection with the appearance of the lane. The paper also deals with conflict situations that were identified in the survey.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
Reference9 articles.
1. M. Ledvinova, Traffic importance and capacity of roads. Perner´s Contacts, 3 (4) 2008 68 - 73. ISSN: 1801-674X. (in Czech).
2. V. Krivda and I. Mahdalova, Problematic Turning of Buses on Wrongly Designed Intersection. In Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series. 12 (1) 2012 10, DOI 10. 2478/v10160-012-0004-8. Publisher Versita, Warsaw, ISSN 1213-1962 (Print) ISSN 1804-4824 (Online).
3. V. Krivda and I. Mahdalova, Origin of Dangerous Conflict Situations on Intersection with Inappropriately Designed Building Elements. In Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava. Construction Series. 12 (2) (2013) 76-85.
4. V. Krivda, Analysis of Conflict Situations in Road Traffic on Roundabouts. Promet Traffic&Transportation: Sci. J. Traffic and Transportation Res. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, 25 (3) (2013) 295-303.
5. V. Krivda, I. Mahdalova and J. Petru, Use of Video Analysis of Conflict Situations for Monitoring of Traffic on Urban Road Influenced by Parallel Parking. Communications. Žilina: University of Žilina, 15 (3) (2013) 118-125.