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2. V.G. Gagarin, V.V. Kozlov: O normirovanii teplopoter cherez obolochku zdaniya (Akademiya. Arhitektura i stroitelstvo, United States 2010).
3. A.S. Gorshkov: The energy efficiency in the field of construction: questions of norms and standarts and solutions for the reduction of energy consumption at buildings (Magazine of Civil Engineering, Russia 2010).
4. A.S. Gorshkov, A.A. Gladkih: Meropriyatiya po povyisheniyu energoeffektivnosti v stroitelstve (Academia. Arhitektura i stroitelstvo, United States 2010).
5. A.S. Gorshkov: The energy efficiency in the field of construction: questions of norms and standarts and solutions for the reduction of energy consumption at buildings (Magazine of Civil Engineering, Russia 2010).