1. K. Harrison, T. Meyer-Boake: The Tectonics of the Environmental Skin. University of Waterloo. School of Architecture. Waterloo. (2003). 254 p.
2. S. Uuttu: Study of Current Structures in Double-Skin Facades", MSc thesis in Structural Engineering and Building Physics, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Helsinki University of Technology (HUT). Finland. (2001). 85 p.
3. D. Saelens: Energy Performance Assessments of Single Storey Multiple-Skin Facades. PhD thesis, Laboratory for Building Physics. Catholic University of Leuven. Belgium. (2002). 178 p.
4. E. Lee, S. Selkowitz, V. Bazjanac, V. Inkarojrit: High-Performance Commercial Building Façades" Building Technologies Program, University of California. Berkeley. (2002) 348 p.
5. Information on http: /www. wicona. ch/de/Produkte/Fassaden/fg.