Hydrodynamic Forces Measurement in Still Water Tank and Theoretical Validation of a Bio-Dorsal Fin Propulsive System


Du De Feng1,Jiang Xiao Qin1


1. Naval University of Engineering


The simulation level of prototypes mimicking torsional wave propulsion is low at present. A new prototype which uses a combination of crank and rocker mechanisms and pleated-skirt-pattern membrane is presented in this paper. The prototype’s dorsal fin is of high fidelity, the waveform looks pretty smooth and the wave amplitude can reach 85 degrees. In still pool, measurement of thrust and lateral force of dorsal fin were performed with a one-component balance. The experimental results show: 1. the thrust on the dorsal fin has periodic variation, and the frequency of thrust variation is twice the fin frequency. 2. The lateral force on the dorsal fin also has periodic variation, and the frequency of lateral force variation is the same as the fin frequency. 3. The periodic mean thrust on the dorsal fin is proportional to the square of fin frequency, and the influence of fin frequency on dorsal fin is stronger as wave number increases. 4. The computed results of large-amplitude EBT coincide qualitatively with experimental result, but our computed propulsive forces are quantitatively smaller. (This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10572151).)


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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