1. Shangrao Normal University
In a laboratory incubation study, two soils were treated with distilled water, and flooded for a period of 0 (contr-ol), 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 weeks. P adsorption desorption characteristics of two soils were measured at the end of the incubation period. P a-dsorption increased with increasing levels of added P in two soi-ls. P adsorption of Paddy soil was comparatively lower than that of upland red soil. P adsorption data was found to fit Langmuir isotherms for two soils. Soil P adsorption maxima obtained from Langmuir isotherm varied from 1190 to 672 mg/kg for upland r-ed soil, and varied from 708 to 530 mg/kg for paddy soil. Floodi-ng decreased P adsorption capacity of upland red soil,increased soluble P (in 0.01M CaCl2) and equilibrium P concentration. For paddy soil, there was a large increase in the P sorption capacity after one week flooding, and then P sorption capacity decreased. The more adsorption maxima is, and the more desorption maxi-ma (Dm) is. Desorption rate constant (Kd) and bonding energy (b) varied inconsistently in two soils.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.