1. J. Neubauer, A. Pesaran and D. Howell: Secondary Use of PHEV and EV Batteries-Opportunities & Challenges (The 10th Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 2010).
2. E. Cready, J. Lippert, J. Pihl, I. Weinstock, P. Symons and R. G. Jungst: Technical and Economic Feasibility of Applying Used EV Batteries in Stationary Applications (Sand Report, Sand 2002-4084, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM: 2002).
3. A. Burke: Performance, Charging, and Second-Use Considerations for Lithium Batteries for Plug-in Electric Vehicles (The Electricity Storage Association Meeting, May 2009).
4. I. B. Weinstock: Second Use of Electric Vehicle Batteries in Stationary Applications (DOE energy storage systems program review, Washington, DC, November 2002).
5. Information on http: /phev. ucdavis. edu.