1. V. J. Tennery and G. C. Wei, ORNL/TM-7578, Evaluation of Tubular Ceramic Heat Exchanger Materials in Residual Oil Environment, March (1981), p.1, 76.
2. EPRI Project 545-2, High Temperature Ceramic Heat Exchangers, Final Report, July (1979).
3. V. J. Tennery, ORNL/TM-7580, Contract No. W-7405, pp.58-59.
4. D. Kotchick, AiResearch Manufacturing Company ; private communication.
5. J. N. Ness, T. F. Page, Microstructural Evolution in Reaction-Bonded Silicon Carbide, J. Mat. Sci., Vol. 21, (1986), pp.1377-1397.