1. Conversion. Organisational- antropotechnical safety of construction. Infographic basics of functional systems, (IBFS) series / Edited by V.O. Chulkov. - M.: SvR-ARGUS, 2005. - 304p.
2. Norm-creation in communal services and construction. Infographic basics of functional systems, (IBFS) series / Edited by V.O. Chulkov. - M.: SvR-ARGUS, 2012. - 308p.
3. Antropotechnics: Norm in every living thing and artificial beings / K.V. Sudakov, V.O. Chulcov, R.R. Kazaryan, O.S. Glazachev, N.V. Dmitrieva, N.M. Komarov / Edited by professor V.O. Chulcov. - M.: SvR-ARGUS, 2013. - 320p, ill.
4. Sedov A., Volkov A., Chelyshkov P. Usage of building information modeling for evaluation of energy efficiency / Applied Mechanics and Materials (Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland). – Vols. 409–410 (2013). – p.630–633.
5. Chelyshkov P., Volkov A., Sedov A. Application of computer simulation to ensure comprehensive security of buildings / Applied Mechanics and Materials (Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland). – Vols. 409–410 (2013). – p.1620–1623.