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2. R. Wlodawer, Gelenkte Erstarrung von Gubeisen, (1977).
3. S.I. Karsay, Ductile iron –gating and risering, QIT-Feret Titane Inc. , 1981, 121.
4. E.F. Ryntz, R.E. Schroeder, W.W. Chaput, and W.O. Rassenfos, The formation of blowholes in spheroidal graphite cast iron castings, AFS Transaction, 1983, 91, 161-164.
5. J.F. Wallce and P.K. Samal, Factors influencing a shrinkage cavity formation in ductile iron castings, AFS Transactions, 1984, 92, 765-784.