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2. N. Hoschke, D. C. Price, D. A. Scott, Monitoring of Thermal Protection Systems using Robust Self-organizing Optical Fibre Sensing Networks. Report 2: Feasibility and Initial Design Study, CSIRO Materials Science & Engineering, Report no. EP 105430, (2010).
3. N. Hoschke, D. C. Price, Monitoring of Thermal Protection Systems using Robust Self-organizing Optical Fibre Sensing Networks. Report 3: Completion of Design Study, CSIRO Materials Science & Engineering, (2012).
4. D. A. Scott, D. C. Price, N. Hoschke, W. L. Richards, Structural health monitoring of thermal protection systems, Materials Forum 33 (2009).
5. N. Hoschke, C. J. Lewis, D. C. Price, D. A. Scott, V. Gerasimov, P. Wang, A self-organizing sensing system for structural health monitoring of aerospace vehicles, in: Mikhail Prokopenko (Ed. ), Advances in Applied Self-Organizing Systems, Springer-Verlag, London, 2008, pp.51-75.