1. K. Aiginger: Europe's Position in Quality Competition. Enterprise DG Working Paper, European Commission, Brussels (2000).
2. IFC Survey: Technical regulations in Ukraine: ensuring economic development and consumer protection. Final Report of the survey conducted under the IFC Ukraine Business Enabling Environment Project. Project sponsored by the International Business and Cooperation (EVD) and SIDA/Canada. International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2008).
3. Internal World Bank Report of the mission conducted by M.N. Frota (2008) to assess the national quality infrastructure of Ukraine, as part of the World Bank's regional study (EWP108324-ESW BB).
4. Ongoing World Bank Survey (2008) on the legal status and institutional performance of the MSTQ national quality infrastructure of transitional economies of Europe and Central Asia.
5. J.L. Guasch, J.L. Racine, I. Sánchez & M. Diop: Quality Systems and Standards for a Competitive Edge. World Bank Publication. Washington DC. (2007) 324-p. ISBN-10: 0-82136895-8.