1. Anna University Thandalam
The aim of this paper is to design a Sensing socksfor Diabetic patients and alert the patients in case of anyphysical parameter extremity and to detect tissue damagebecause of heat, pressure and humidity. This will alert thepatient if anyone the parameter exceeds the permissible time /quantity limit. Data acquisition system using LabVIEW isdesigned to create a database for storing the information from the sensor. Diabetic neuropathy is a lack of feeling accompanied by tingling, burning, pain, or numbness in the legs and feet due to nerve damage. Loss of sensation in the lower limb and feet contributes to the risk of developing foot ulcers. When the nerve disease causes a complete loss of sensation in the feet, patients may not be aware of injuries to the feet, and fail to properly protect them. To avoid foot ulcers, sores and to alert the patients from skin injuries We have designed a socks which can be worn by the patient and it helps in monitoring the patient continuously and provides alert to the patient if there is any risks in increase heat, pressure and humidity, so that tissue damage can be avoided.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.