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3. L. Luca, I. Popescu, S. Ghimisi: Prehensil and Stepping mechanisms for Robots, based on Biomechanisms, Proc. OPTIROB 2010, 27-28 may, The fifth international conference on Optimization of the robots and manipulators, ISBN 978-981-08-5840-7, pp.65-70.
4. S. Ghimisi, Gh. Popescu, C. Ianasi: The Issues Concerning the Creativity in Technical Sciences, Proc. Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and business Education& International Conference on Engineering and Business Education, Conference Proceedings, Vol. I, 15-17 october, Sibiu, Romania, ISBN 978-973-739-848-2, ISSN 1843-6730, pp.117-121.
5. S. Ghimisi; Tehnnological transfer between firmes and universities, Proc. of The 6th International Seminar on the Quality Management in Higher Education, 8-9iuly2010, ISBN: 978-973-662-566-4, pp.463-466.