Emergency condition of loggies in buildings with supporting brick walls


Demchyna BohdanORCID, ,Vozniuk LeonidORCID,


This article is devoted to the problems of the existing residential buildings of 70-80 years of construction of the last century, which have been in operation for about 50 years and are subject to immediate technical inspection. The most important factor for the safe operation of such buildings is the quality of construction, as in this period the construction was performed with many shortcomings that are manifested today. The article describes the problem of joints of loggias with the building in the design and construction of multi-storey buildings with load-bearing brick walls. Poor ligation of bricks in the masonry, as well as the lack of quality ligation of the transverse walls of loggias with load-bearing longitudinal walls of the building leads to the formation of cracks on the entire height of the loggias, which completely cut them at the abutment, which creates an emergency collapse of building structures. A real example of such a problem in the existing 9-storey building with brick load-bearing walls, where the shortcomings of construction were manifested, namely the poor quality of masonry at the junction of loggias to the load-bearing walls of the building. The structural scheme is also described, as well as the main structures of the building. The main damages and defects are shown. Using the PC "LIRA-SAPR" created a calculation model and compared the results of calculations with the existing condition of the considered area of the building. Recommendations for strengthening the emergency section of the building are given.


Lviv Polytechnic National University

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