Elimination of flow rate restriction for system of storm water sewage with the help of drag-reducing polymers


Orel VadymORCID, ,Pitsyshyn BohdanORCID,Voron YarynaORCID, ,


The flow-rate restriction for storm sewage network is substantiated. Possible causes of flooding of territories by storm water in the case of emergency and methods of storm waters management are considered. The article is devoted to an increase in throughput of storm sewage networks with the help of in-line storm water detention tank installed at the beginning of storm sewage network and dragreducing polymers (DRP). It is proposed to introduce DRPs in the form of solution directly into the sewage network through a storm-water inlet or through a sewer manhole. The introduction is conducted from a tank (cistern) in which there is a device for preparing an aqueous solution from the raw materials of DRP. For a square (in horizontal plane) catchment, in the case of point-type water drainage, the numerical simulation of the work of a system of storm water sewage with the help of DRP has been carried out.


Lviv Polytechnic National University

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