The role of nitrogen oxides in the presence of sulfur dioxide in the dynamics of the carbon dioxide absorption ofchlorophyll - producing microalgae


Dyachok V. V., ,Mandryk S. Т.,


The effect of nitrogen oxides in the presence of sulfur oxide on the absorption of carbon dioxide by chlorophyll – producing microalgae Chlorella was investigated. Experimental dependences of the dynamics of CO2 uptake by microalgae in the presence of NxOy alone and at the critical concentration of the SO2 photosynthesis inhibitor in the presence of NxOy are presented. A mathematical description of the dynamics of CO2 uptake by chlorophyll – producing microalgae Chlorella is presented, depending on the concentration of the individual action of nitrogen oxides and the simultaneous action of nitrogens oxides and sulfur dioxide. Based on the solution of the mathematical model and the experimental data obtained, the optimal value of the NxOy concentration and the total NxOy concentration in the presence of the SO2 inhibitor were calculated. The optimal concentration of the NxOy activator was determined to inactivate the damaging effect of the SO2 inhibitor and to restore the complete process of absorption of carbon dioxide (photosynthesis) by chlorophyll – producing microalgae Chlorella. Summarizing the results of experimental studies, we can assume that nitrogen oxides act as an activator of the process of photosynthesis.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


General Medicine

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