Finding of kinetic characteristics of the process co-gasification of heavy coal tars with lignite and walnut shell


Bilets D. Yu., ,Miroshnichenko D. V.,Karnozhitskiy P. V.,Nikolaichuk Yu. V., , ,


Studied of co-gasification of heavy coal tars with lignite and walnut shell in the temperature ranged from 400 to 500 °С, the flow rate of oxidand (air) ranged from 0,0005 to 0,004 m3/min. It is established that the weigth loss of the sample mixtures in the gasification process has a S-shaped. Mathematical and graphical dependences of the influence of oxidant flow rate on the values of reaction rate constants and activation energy of gasification of experimental mixtures were developed.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


General Medicine

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