Zhuravchak Liubov, ,Zabrodska Nataliya,
The paper aims to develop an algorithm for recognizing the physical and geometric parameters of inclusion, using indirect methods of boundary, near-boundary, and partially-boundary elements based on the data of the potential field. Methodology. The direct and inverse two-dimensional problems of the potential theory concerning geophysics were solved when modeling the earth's crust with a piecewise-homogeneous half-plane composed of a containing medium and inclusion that are an ideal contact. To construct the integral representation of the solution of the direct problem, a special fundamental solution for the half-plane (Green's function) of Laplace's equation, which automatically satisfies the zero-boundary condition of the second kind on the day surface, and a fundamental solution for inclusion were used. To find the intensities of unknown sources introduced in boundary, near-boundary, or partially-boundary elements, the collocation technique was used, i.e. the conditions of ideal contact are satisfied in the middle of each boundary element. After solving the obtained SLAE, the unknown potential in the medium and inclusion and the flow through their boundaries are found, considering that the medium and inclusion are considered as completely independent domains. Results. The computational experiment for the task of electric prospecting with a constant artificial field using the resistance method, in particular, electrical profiling, was carried out, while focusing on the physical and geometric interpretation of the data. Initial approximations for the electrical conductivity of the inclusion, its center of mass, orientation and dimensions are determined by the nature of the change in apparent resistivity. To solve the inverse problem two cascades of iterations are organized: the first one is to specify the location of the local heterogeneity and its approximate dimensions, the second one is to specify its shape and orientation in space. At the same time, the minimization of the functional considered on the section of the boundary, where an excess of boundary conditions is set, is carried out. Originality. The method of boundary integral equations is shown to be effective for constructing numerical solutions of direct and inverse problems of potential theory in a piecewise homogeneous half-plane, using indirect methods of boundary, near-boundary, and partial-boundary elements as variants. Practical significance. The proposed approach for solving the inverse problem of electrical exploration with direct current is effective because it allows fora step-by-step, "cascade" recognition of the shape, size, orientation, and electrical conductivity of the inclusion. We follow the principle of not using all the details of the model and not attempting to recognize parameters with little effect on the result, especially with imprecise initial approximations.
Lviv Polytechnic National University