The paper is devoted to the basic approaches to the realization of the macromodel of optocouplers on organic structures for sensor devices. It is shown that the use of such structures is largely limited due to the time drift of parameters and temperature instability. In the course of the research, the possibility of compensating for these parameters directly during the operation of organic optocouples by measuring and analyzing the parameter drift was established. For this purpose, specialized built-in in-situ diagnostic systems and controlled signal transducers are used. In order to verify the functioning and optimize the parameters of signal transducers of built-in in- situ diagnostic systems, the paper describes the main approaches and the result of the implementation of the optocouple macromodel. The macromodel provides the ability to specify the components of sensor electronics optocouplers in accordance with the approaches and syntax of SPICE modeling and reflects parametric modulation with changes in ambient temperature, time instability, and flicker noise. The macromodel consists of five modules that describe the processes and specify the characteristics of the optocoupler: the light emitter (LED), self-heating of the optocoupler structure by the supply current, the optical medium or active layer of the optosensor, time drift and flicker noise, and the light receiver (photodiode or photoresistor). The modules are represented by substitution schemes of electrical components in accordance with the principle of functional analogy. The main approaches to specifying the parameters of macromodel components and examples of parametric studies based on it are considered. The use of the developed model makes it possible to obtain the values of compensation parameters for operational adjustment, in accordance with the operating conditions and properties of organic structures.
Lviv Polytechnic National University