
,Tsimura Yu.ORCID,Kostromytskyi A.ORCID, ,Suhanov O.ORCID, ,Dumych S.,


It is shown that the development of modern infocommunication systems is followed by the trend of widespread use of wireless technologies. The level of intellectualization of the protocols of their functioning is increasing. Accordingly, the characteristics of wireless infocommunication technologies for data transmission are increasing. This contributes to their use for data transmission from remote robotic platforms in the process of information support for the functioning of critical infrastructure. It is substantiated that the transmission of video data with the required level of bit intensity on the basis of existing on-board telecommunication technologies is organized under conditions of significant time delays. Consequently, the level of efficiency of information delivery is lost. On the other hand, there are losses in the reliability of video information. It is argued that the option for solving the problem lies in the further development of technologies for encoding video information streams. The most common platform is the JPEG format. However, the city has disadvantages. They refer to the loss of compression levels in the event of a reduction in the potential for detecting psychovisual addictions. The article substantiates an approach for improvement, which consists in the use of an adapted coding technology in the spectral-parametric space. This approach consists in detecting subbands in spectral arrays and their subsequent parameterization with the formation of structural components at a significant level and length. Further processing is proposed to be carried out taking into account the informativeness of segments and reducing the amount of structural redundancy. An approach for constructing a technology for compression of spectral arrays with the detection of spectral sub-bands is substantiated. A model has been created to find the amount of information for transformed segments in the spectral-parametric space. This takes into account the available amount of redundancy, which is established by determining the constraints on the values of structural components. A method for encoding segments in spectral-parametric description has been developed. The main basic components of the method relate to the processing of sets of two-component structural-parametric components, taking into account the peculiarities of their content depending on the presence of quantization processes.


Lviv Polytechnic National University

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