
Shpak N.ORCID, ,Kovtok H.ORCID,


Purpose. Tactical innovative tools of the economic development of the enterprise in the conditions of European integration are considered in the article as short-term adaptive and relative means, intended for the practical implementation of irreversible, controlled and purposeful changes of a quantitative, qualitative and essential nature in the economic system of the enterprise, which occur under the influence of changes in the operating environment and condition the development means of production and socio-economic relations, increasing flexibility, achieving a state of optimal and efficient functioning of the enterprise and other strategic goals. For the purpose of their modeling, the article provides a conceptual formulation of the problem, defines a function that ensures their formation on alternative bases, forms compliance criteria and a set of modeling tasks: formation of modeling input data; substantiation of the criteria by which the tools of economic development of enterprises are optimized in the conditions of the course of European integration processes; ensuring the modeling of tactical innovative tools for the economic development of enterprises in the conditions of European integration by establishing the compliance of the group of tools for the economic development of enterprises with optimization criteria for the purpose of performing the function; identification of a set of tactical innovative tools for the economic development of enterprises in the conditions of European integration; making managerial decisions regarding the tactical management of the development of the enterprise in the conditions of European integration. Design/methodology/approach. Methods of analysis, synthesis, theoretical generalization, expert evaluations, coefficient analysis, method of pattern analysis. Findings. As a modeling toolkit, the article recommends the method of pattern analysis, which provides for the formation of homogeneous groups of objects as a result of cluster analysis in the following order: setting the problem; display of objects in the parallel coordinate system; direct connection of parameter values marked on the axes; analyzing the similarity of patterns; interpretation of the results, identification of tactical innovative tools for the economic development of enterprises in the conditions of European integration, which meet the criteria of optimality and restrictive criteria. Originality/value. The recommended procedure should be applied for the purpose of modeling tactical innovative tools of economic development, which will ensure their optimization in the conditions of European integration. Practical implications. The practical approbation of the method made it possible to identify 3 priority groups of tactical innovative tools of economic development of ShK Svitanok+ LLC: starting the activities of ShK Svitanok+ LLC in free economic zones, which involves its administrative support and providing employees with a social package; ensuring the participation of ShK Svitanok+ LLC in conferences, forums and round tables, promotion of the enterprise's exports, lending and expansion of analysis tools by spreading the practice of functional-cost and factor analysis in the mentioned conditions; implementation of targeting and ensuring the participation of ShK Svitanok+ LLC in grant projects.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


General Engineering

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