
,Muzychenko-Kozlovska O.ORCID,Pankiv Yu.ORCID,


Purpose. The article is devoted to the study of the essence of the concepts “tourist industry”, “resource-saving activity” and “resource-saving activity in tourism” and the clarification of types of resource-saving activity in the tourism industry based on the analysis of scientific literature and legislative acts of Ukraine. Design/methodology/approach. With the help of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and study of the relevant domestic and foreign literature, the essences of the concepts of “resource-saving activity” and “resource-saving activity in tourism” were established, the main types of resource-saving activity in the tourism industry were clarified. The tabular method was used to visualize the research results. Findings. The article analyses the legislation of Ukraine that regulates resource-saving activities, in particular the Constitution of Ukraine, DSTU 3051-95, the Strategy for the Development of Tourism and Resortsthe National Economic Strategy, the Law of Ukraine “On Tourism”. The essence of the concept of “resource-saving activity” and “resource-saving activity in tourism” in the works of scientists and practitioners was analysed. The essence of the concept of “resource-saving activity” and “resource-saving activity in tourism” was analyzed in 30 works of scientists and practitioners. The concept of the term “tourist industry” has been clarified, which, unlike the existing definitions, includes enterprises and organizations that accompany or contribute to the development of tourism and provide tourist services and the production and sale of products to meet the needs of tourists. The classification of the main types of resource-saving activities in the tourism industry according to the functional approach is substantiated, namely: production-technical, economic, organizational, legislative, informational, marketing, innovative, educational, social, ecological, functional. The author’s interpretation of the concept of “resource-saving activity in tourism” is proposed, which, unlike existing definitions, takes into account the impact of psychological and recreational stress on tourist destinations. Practical implications. The value of the research lies in the in-depth analysis of existing scientific works and legislative acts regarding the essence of resource-saving activities in tourism, the definition of types of resource-saving activities in tourism and their content.


Lviv Polytechnic National University

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