The problem of context-aware recommendation with content filtering for managing video data as part of an online video hosting platform has been considered. Approaches to creating online video hosting platforms with recommendation of video data have been considered. A comparison of popular online video hosting platforms is given. A method of context-aware recommendation of video data with content-based filtering is proposed, which involves saving information about the user’s interaction with the video, obtaining and saving information about which videos the user liked, determining the user’s context, forming a profile of user preferences, forming a profile of user preferences depending on context, determining the similarity of the video profile to the profile of the user’s preferences (with and without taking into account the context), determining the relevance of the video to the context, and the final determination of the relevance of the video to the user’s preferences based on the proposed summary indicator of relevance. The developed structure of the online video hosting platform with context-aware recommendation of video data is given. The algorithm of its work is considered. The database structure of the online video hosting platform with context-aware recommendation of video data is proposed.
Lviv Polytechnic National University
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