
Silagin SilaginORCID, ,Denysiuk V. O.ORCID,


In modern conditions of society development, increasing degree and pace of integration of information technology achievements in the field of human life, traditional approaches to building information systems become too cumbersome or cease to be effective. One of the ways to solve this problem is to develop knowledge-based systems. The work is devoted to ontological modeling of a new subject area "travel organization". The ontology is considered in the context of knowledge exchange. The created travel ontology is quite modern and relevant today. The developed ontological model of the knowledge base in this area can be implemented on thematic web resources and greatly facilitate the semantic search for information within the subject area in comparison with existing ones. A terminological dictionary from this subject area is defined using the concept of terminological system. An analysis of the possibilities of the Protege ontology development environment for modeling a specific subject area of "travel". The basic principle of ontology modeling in the form of a semantic network is chosen. The proposed network has the opportunity to expand and deepen knowledge about the subject area of "travel". The use of the Protege environment to implement the ontological model of the knowledge base allowed to use the advantages and features of the created model of "travel organization", such as: functionality, transitivity, reflectivity, structuring, completeness, reliability and consistency of information. The criterion for assessing the correctness of the ontological model of the knowledge base is chosen. Testing of the developed ontological knowledge base was carried out and a rather high level of its correctness in the process of information retrieval was confirmed. The average metric on the SUM metric for all users is equal to 82.95%, which is an acceptable indicator of the ontological knowledge base. When using the classical relational model of database organization to implement the "travel" database, the average SUM metric for 10 users is 73.68%. An example of the developed ontology in Protege is considered, a graphic representation of the basic graph of the ontological mode "travel" is given, the model includes 10 classes and subclasses, for each class and subclass 2 properties-relations and from 2 to 10 properties-data are defined, an example is given classes of the ontological model of "travel", an example of "properties-relations" of the ontological model of "travel" is given, an example of "properties-data" of the ontological model of "travel" is given. Possible directions of further development of the ontological model "travel organization" are formulated.


Lviv Polytechnic National University

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