
Hrytsiuk Yu. I.,


The Software quality management system has been developed. The system allows you to determine the state of software quality at each hierarchical level of the management system, taking into account the cost of ensuring the required quality. The system also allows the IT company manager to set the potential costs for the transition of software quality indicators from one state to another. It was found out that software quality is a multifaceted concept that can be adequately expressed by some hierarchical structure of characteristics and attributes, which is called the model of software product quality. To assess the quality of the software, a set of criteria and aggregate indicators were used, which maximally characterise it in terms of functionality and usage options. It is established that the software quality model is the main attribute of the complex system of its assessment. The quality model determines which characteristics of the software product must be taken into account when transiting the control system from one state to another. The level of software quality that meets the stated and indirect needs of various stakeholders and is relevant to them is directly reflected in the quality model of the software product in the form of its properties. The software quality model classifies product properties into characteristics and sub-characteristics. A method for selecting stressful variants of software quality state according to input criteria or aggregate indicators of its current quality has been developed. The method allows to determine the current state of software quality at each hierarchical level according to the corresponding aggregate indicator, taking into account its development cost. A method for selecting the optimal version of the software quality management system from the set of permissible has been developed. The method takes into account the structure of criteria and aggregated indicators of current software quality at each hierarchical level of the management system. It is established that the task of choosing the optimal version of the software quality management system belongs to the tasks of multicriteria optimization. The task takes into account the following criteria: portability of the product and its ease of maintenance, product safety and compatibility, ease of use of the product and reliability of its work, as well as the functional suitability of the product and its efficiency of use. An example of implementation of the software quality management system in both quantitative and cost ratio is given. The example allows us to understand the essence of the method of choosing the optimal variant for the management system, as well as the features of the method of selection of stressful variants of the system state according to two criteria or aggregate indicators.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


General Medicine

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