Analysis of Efficiency of Technical Condition of Heat Exchanger of Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System with WWER-1000 Reactor of Nuclear Power Plant


Kovalenko Tetiana, ,Serdiuk Vitalii,


The main factors affecting the elements of the heat exchanger of the spent fuel pool cooling system during operation are considered. The analysis of design, technical and operational documentation is carried out for the purpose of preliminary assessment of the technical condition of the heat exchange equipment of nuclear power plants. The data on the installed capacity and service life of power units of the Ukrainian NPPs are given. The cooling system of the spent fuel pool with the WWER-1000 reactor, its purpose, as well as the technical characteristics of the system heat exchanger and its schematic representation are described. The potential mechanisms of aging of heat exchanger elements, aging effects, parameters of technical condition and methods of their control are determined. The efficiency of the heat exchanger of the spent fuel pool cooling system is calculated by determining the rating and design heat transfer areas. The influence of the service life of the heat exchanger on the change in the heat transfer area is shown and the assessment of the effective use of the heat transfer area is determined. The main rating parameters are summarized in the table and the analysis of these values is carried out.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


General Medicine

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