1. Vajnberger M., Seroussi G., Schapiro G. The Loco-I stysnennja zobrazhen bez vtrat. Algorytm: pryntsypy i standartyzatsiji v JPEG-LS, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Technical Report No. HPL-98-193R1, lystopad 1998, pereroblene zhovtnja +1999. IEEE Trans. Obrobka zobrazhen, Vol. 9 serpnja 2000 roku, pp. 1309-1324
2. Vajnberger M., Seroussi G., Schapiro G. The Loco-I:nyzka skladnist, zasnovana na konteksti, stysnennja zobrazhen bez vtrat Algorytm, Proc. Konferentsija IEEE Data Compression, Snowbird, schtat Juta, berezen-kviten 1996 roku.
3. DISKRETNAJA MATEMATIKA: ALGORITMY. JPEG, JPEG 2000, JPEG-LS. Szhatie izobrazhenij s poterjami i bez [Elektronnyj resurs] : [Veb-sajt], Elektronni dani, Rezhym dostupu: http://rain.ifmo.ru/cat/view.php/theory/data-compression/jpeg-2006.
4. JPEG-LS Encoder Core (Numerically and Near Lossless Compression) Design Specification. 2007 - 2013 ALMA Technologies.
5. This page describes the description of a JPEG-LS encoder implemented by the author in VHDL for use in projects on the FPGA. [Electronic resource], Access mode: http://jpegls.narod.ru