Maxwell fluid flow in system supplying hydrodynamically active polymer to boundary layer of streamlined object


Pogrebnyak V. G., ,Pogrebnyak A. V.,Perkun I. V., ,


The article presents the results of the numerical simulation of the Maxwell fluid flow in the system supplying hydrodynamically active polymer in the boundary layer of a streamlined object. The case of slow flow is considered. In this case, the inertial terms can be neglected, the velocities, stresses, and stream functions can be written as the decomposition by Weisenberg number, and we can assume that the Weissenberg number is less than one. The established features of the behaviour of the Maxwell fluid flow with a longitudinal velocity gradient and the manifestation of the effects of elastic deformations are crucial for understanding processes taking place in the system supplying hydrodynamically active polymer in the boundary layer of a streamlined object. Understanding the nature of the effects of elastic deformations in the supplying system makes it possible to offer a hydrodynamic calculation of the modes of polymer solution injection into the boundary layer without any negative manifestations of the effects of the elastic deformations. The results of the numerical simulation confirmed the conception on the deformation-stress state of macromolecules (fluid elements) in polymer solution converging flow, based on the data previously obtained from experimental decisions concerning the hydrodynamic field structure in the input area of a slot and other openings.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


Computational Theory and Mathematics,Computational Mathematics

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