The role of environmental audit in the concept of balanced nature use development: legal aspects


Nesterenko AnnaORCID


The article is devoted to the study of the legal aspects of the implementation and effectiveness of the environmental audit in the concept of the development of sustainable nature management as an important mechanism of environmental security. Rapid technological development has led to the globalization of all social processes without exception. It was this factor that influenced the ecological crisis, because the dominant way of using nature turned out to be incompatible with the biosphere, the cyclic cycle of resources, energy and information that ensure the stability of the global ecosystem. This provoked ecological regression and real global omnicide. Solving the environmental problem, in our opinion, boils down to the introduction of effective legal, institutional and specialized mechanisms for ensuring environmental safety, which, in their entirety, will have a positive effect on all components of the ecosystem and help to effectively implement the concept of the development of balanced nature management. And it is the environmental audit that is the effective mechanism that is designed to solve a significant part of the problems on the way to the restoration of the natural environment, by implementing the idea of balanced nature management. The relevance of this issue is that the effectiveness of an environmental audit directly depends on the legal aspects of its implementation, because dynamic changes in social development, the instability of economic factors, the emergence of new social factors, especially in the conditions of martial law, require a quick response and the introduction of the necessary regulators at the legislative level. Having analyzed the composition of environmental legal relations and national legislation, we found gaps in national legislation that require attention from the legislator and, accordingly, harmonization with EU law. Legal approaches to the interpretation of environmental audits in the context of stimulating the rational implementation of balanced environmental management by local self-government bodies were studied.


Lviv Polytechnic National University

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