Formation of ic-competence of the future master of public administration


Protska S.ORCID,


The article is substantiated the practical aspects of the formation of IC-competence of the future master of public administration (for students of the second (master's) level of higher education of the educational-professional program 281 Public administration and administration. State educational policy) in terms of informatization of higher education; the role of Google services (for example, Google Classroom, Google Docs & SpreadSheets, Google Forms, Google Calendar) in the formation of IC-competence of the future master of public administration is revealed; their characteristics are outlined: 1) saving money on the purchase of software; 2) reducing the need for specialized classrooms, as in any classroom you can organize a modern educational process using laptops and wireless network; 3) the ability to perform many activities, monitor and evaluate student achievement online; 4) openness of the educational environment for those who teaches (teacher) and those who studied (student); examples of pedagogical using of elements of Google services for the formation of IС-competence of the future master of public administration in higher education institutions in the process of studying the discipline (educational component) "Management of the IT-structure of the educational institution".


Lviv Polytechnic National University

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